Quality is our obsession here at Freeform Technology. We seek to deliver to the most exacting standards of precision machining and workmanship. We have design and machining capabilities that can produce finished tools and moulds to the very closest of margins. Operating within ranges that can be measured in infinitesimally slim degrees of tolerances.
We have the capability to offer precision machining in relation to whether the requirement is for model making, prototypes, bespoke, or for mid and high-volume manufacturing runs. Whatever the use cases, we have a range of solutions to cater to individual requirements.
The accomplishment of precision machining is achieved by our expert accredited technologists, together with our state-of-the-art workshop machining stable of hardware. It’s a fusion that collaborates to produce the very best manufacturing of a wide range of finished products, to include tooling and moulds. We offer the capability to work with a raft of base materials, from metallics, epoxies and composites, dependent upon use case.
Our experienced design team offer design services that complement in delivery of precision machining towards leading high-performance industries. Including automotive, aerospace, medical and marine, to name just a few.
Freeform Technology is ISO 90001 certified. Providing the reassurance that our practices, processes and procedures conform to an independent body of verification and certification. It’s just one of the assurances we provide to our customers that underpin our delivery of quality products and services. Built upon this foundation is our reputation for attention to detail and perhaps above all else the relationship we seek to build with each of our customers. It’s real, it’s authentic, it’s caring. We want to be part of making a personal difference to people, businesses, and individuals in all aspects of what we do here at Freeform Technology.
To understand more about how Freeform Technology can support your Precision Machining requirements and for more information on how we can make the difference for you, please click the button below.